The short story competition is open to all Sussex residents over the age of 18. Writers are asked to respond to the theme selected by Kate Tempest for Brighton Festival 2017, Everyday Epic.
From extraordinary moments amongst the ordinary, to the little victories against the odds, writers are invited to reflect on the observations and achievements of our daily lives which we piece together to celebrate and share our common humanity.
Nigel Lee, CEO of says "Since time began, we as a species have passed down our teachings from generation to generation through the medium of storytelling.
"From the camp fire to the soap box, from dusty books to the internet, storytelling is how we evolve, it is essential to our existence and vital to the fabric of our communities."
Four lucky competition winners will be announced during the last week of the Festival. The winning stories will be combined into an anthology, alongside stories from the Storytelling Army, and published as a paperback book.
Authoright will also be supporting the book with a
publicity campaign once it is published; ensuring the
Everyday Epic stories reach as many readers as possible after the competition ends.
Brighton Festival is working with
nabokov theatre company and Guest Director Kate Tempest to assemble and mobilise the
Storytelling Army: a dynamic collective of people from all walks of life - including those who are homeless and vulnerably housed – who will perform in unexpected locations throughout Brighton over the last weekend of this year's Festival.
Entry is free and stories must be no more than 4,000 words (there is no minimum word count) and must be received electronically by midnight GMT on 15 May 2017.
Entries must be submitted electronically as a word or pdf document and the document must contain: your name, your address, your age, your e mail contact details, the title of your submission, the word count, your twitter handle (if relevant).